NATIONAL LITERATURE MONTH – University of the Philippines Baguio Library in partnership with the UPB College of Arts and Communication held an event entitled “Saritaan Ti Libro: Conversation with Budding Local Writer and Illustrator” in honor of 2023 National Literature Month last 28 April 2023 from 1:30 to 2:00pm at the 2nd floor of the University Library.
The event featured UP Baguio CAC alumnus Bea Mandapat and UP Baguio Fine Arts instructor Danielle Florendo, the writer and illustrator behind the newly-published book entitled “More”, a book featuring a world run by giants who wreak havoc on everything they touch, and a young girl who struggles with feeling too small to do anything that matters.
Saritaan Ti Libro was moderated by Prof. Tristan Buenaflor. The event started with a prayer delivered by Ms. Eufemia Terre, and was then followed by Prof. Jimmy Fong’s opening remarks. The main speakers, Ms. Bea Mandapat and Ms. Danielle Florendo, then shared their experiences in both writing and illustrating, and gave their advice towards aspiring writers and illustrators of today’s youth. Their speeches were followed by the giving of certificates, in care of Prof. Tristan Buenaflor, Ma’am Amelia Cendaña, and Ma’am Julieta Dela Pena. The event ended with the book-signing of “Goodfire” and “More,” to which UP Baguio students have enthusiastically participated in.
Written by Christine Andrea V. Maya-en
BALL Student Intern
Photos taken during the event.