Access to the following online resources is via IP Address authentication and is therefore limited to users accessing from within UP Baguio campus. Some databases are also available via OpenAthens remote (off-campus) access.
Below is a list of electronic journals and online databases currently subscribed to by the University of the Philippines System. Access to these electronic resources is via IP Address authentication and is therefore limited to users accessing from within any of the University’s Constituent units using computers connected to its network.
a) Off-campus/remote access is now available for electronic databases via OpenAthens.
b) OpenAthens is a web service that provides remote access using your UP Mail (@up.edu.ph) account.
You may email us at e-resourceslibrary.upbaguio@up.edu.ph / e-resourceslibrary.upbaguio@outlook.up.edu.ph for queries on our online subscriptions.
For more details, please visit Remote Access.
Table of Contents
I. Newspaper and Reference Sources
a. PressReader | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
b. Statista | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
c. Gadget Magazine | Free Access |
II. Filipiniana Multi-Disciplinary
a. Philippine E-Journals | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
b. UP Diliman Journals Online | Selective open access via UP Diliman. |
c. eBook Collections | On campus within UP Baguio. With remote access: ask assistance from the librarian. |
III. International Multi-Disciplinary
a. Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
b. Academic Video Online | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
c. American Chemical Society (ACS) All Publications (1996-2024) | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
d. Cambridge Core | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
e. Chicago Manual of Style | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
f. Emerald Premiere | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
g. Gale Academic One File | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
h. IEEE Xplore | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
i. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) Unlimited | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
j. JSTOR * Arts and Sciences Collection I-XI * Business I-II | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). **Arts and Sciences II (perpetuity access sponsored) |
k. Labster | Labster sends accounts to faculty email for their access and they can then issue access to the chosen simulations to their students. Our subscription to Labster comes with 1,000 licenses entire the UP System. |
l. MathSciNet | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
m. Mendeley | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
n. Project MUSE Premium | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
o. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT) | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
p. Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature (H.W. Wilson) | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
q. SAGE Journal * Premier Journals | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
r. Science Direct | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
s. SciVal | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
t. Scopus | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
u. Springer Nature Contemporary eJournals | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
v. Taylor & Francis Online * Science and Technology Library * Social Sciences & Humanities Collection | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
w. Web of Science * InCites * Journal Citation Reports * Essential Science Indicators * EndNote | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
x. Wiley Online Library | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
y. Electronic Book (eBook) Collections | On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). |
E-Journals on UP and the Sustainable Development Goals
**Note: Description and Reference List from the The University Library, UP Diliman based on UP System Subscriptions accessible to all UP CUs.
In 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States. The Agenda outlines the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are needed to achieve peace and prosperity for people and the planet, from now into the future.
The University of the Philippines, as part of its mandate as the national university of the country, commits to the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It continues to work towards the realization of these six SDGs: Health and Well-being; Quality Education; Gender Equality; Sustainable Cities and Communities; Climate Action; and Partnership for the Goals.
The University Library supports the UP and the SDGs by publishing a curated collection of e-journals which are accessible through the electronic subscription, available on-campus and off-campus via OpenAthens remote access.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being (2,802 titles)

Goal 4: Quality Education (486 titles)

Goal 5: Gender Equality (302 titles)

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities (627 titles)

Goal 13: Climate Action (966 titles)

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals (199 titles)