Since 1940, Mathematical Reviews (MR) has served researchers and scholars in the mathematical sciences by providing timely information on peer-reviewed articles and books. MathSciNet, the electronic version of MR, presents a fully searchable database with many tools designed to help navigate the mathematical sciences literature, including:
How to Search MathSciNet?
Searching MathSciNet is very similar to using advanced searches in library catalogs or databases. It provides users the ability to search publications, authors, journals, or citations. What sets MathSciNet’s search apart from many other databases, is its unique identification of authors and articles, and its use of the MSC (mathematical subject classification) system.

Upon visiting MathSciNet, you can click “Show Classic Interface” to access an advanced search which offers filter options including publication type and time. The advanced search offers many familiar fields of information such as Author, Title, Journal, and Institution. It also allows for searching with less familiar fields, like MSC Primary, which lets you use MSC category values to search for articles by subject; MR Number, which lets you search for already known items using unique id of articles in the database; and Reviewer, which finds all articles reviewed by a person. MR Number can be particularly useful because it allows you to note an article’s ID for easy access to the article at a future date.

MathSciNet has also made major progress in solving a major problem in database searching: telling authors with the same name apart from one another. MathSciNet accomplishes this by assigning unique identification numbers to each author. You can search for a specific author by clicking the Author tab on the MathSciNet home page and then using their name (last name then first name) or their ID number (if known). Clicking on an author’s name elsewhere in the database will also bring you to their MathSciNet profile. If you are the author of a mathematics paper indexed in MathSciNet, you will also have an author profile that you can log into and add a photo or otherwise edit.

The Journals tab provides the ability to search for publications by name or ISSN. The results link to journal profiles with information about the publisher, previous journal names, dates of publication, and how it is indexed in MathSciNet. You will also find links to issues and articles, citation data, and RSS feeds you can subscribe to, which will alert you when MathSciNet adds new articles from the journal.
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