The collection consists of photocopies of Scheerer’s written and published works, photographs and an exposition written by his
grandson on Otto Scheerer’s role in the development of Baguio and Benguet.
Scope and Content Notes
The Otto Johns Scheerer collection was donated to the Archives by his grandson, Dr. Richard G. Scheerer, a medical doctor. The collection consists of photocopies of Scheerer’s written and published works, photographs and an exposition written by his grandson on Otto Scheerer’s role in the development of Baguio and Benguet. Richard Scheerer writes that the papers in the collection are copies from material either in the possession of the family or collected from other sources. He further wrote that, “the collection is not complete but it is our hope that more items will be introduced as they become available and that this collection will add to the overall picture of the Cordillera’s past, even as its present inhabitants look toward their future.” The collection is contained in one box.
Biographical Note
Otto Johns Scheerer was born in Hamburg, Germany on August 13, 1858. In 1882, he came to the Philippines where he worked for Kloepfer, German firm. He later founded La Minerva Cigar Company in Manila. After a serious illness, he moved to Baguio in 1896 upon the advice of his physician. On December 18, 1900 he was appointed Provincial Secretary of Benguet. In 1901 he moved to Japan where he taught German language. It was in 1905 when in Japan that he was able to finalize and publish, “The Nabaloi Dialect.” He traveled briefly to Formosa after. Upon his return to Manila he was appointed Lt. Governor of Cagayan in 1908 and in 1909 was appointed as the first Governor of Batanes. On June 1911 he taught German in the University of the Philippines where he stayed on until his retirement as Professor Emeritus in 1929. He died in Caloocan on March 24, 1938.
Box Lists
•Brandes, Carlos O. On Sandhi in the Ibanag language by Carlos O. Brandes and Otto Scheerer
•Scheerer, Otto. The particles of relation of the Isinai language.
•Scheerer, Otto. A review of Dr. Seidenadel’s Bontok grammar.
•The Batan dialect as a member of the Philippine group of languages by Otto Scheerer part I, part II “F” and “V” in Philippine languages by Carlos Everett Conant (part II)
•Scheerer, Otto. The use of ti and iti in Iloko compared with Tagalog and Pangasinan equivalent: a contribution to comparative Philippine syntax by Otto Scheerer and Eusebia Pablo.
•Vocabulario Ibatan-Español o sea del dialecto hablado por los naturales de las Islas Batanes y Calayan (Filipinas) acopiado y compuesto por varios PP Dominicos Españoles misioneros de Aquellas Islas con prologo de Otto Scheerer.
•Scheerer, Otto. Uber einen bemerkenswerten L-stellvertreter im dialekt von Aklan auf der insel Panay (Filipinnen).
•Scheerer, Otto. On the essential difference between the verbs of the European and the Philippine languages.
•Scheerer, Otto. Zur sprachenkunde der Filipinen: die ,,Kasus” des Tagalog.
•Beyer, H.O. and O. Scheerer. Letters relating to the Apayao language.
•McKaughan, Howard. Topicalization in Maranao—an addendum
•Scheerer, Otto. Alexander Schadenberg, his life and work in the Philippines.
•Scheerer, Otto. On a quinary notation among the Ilongots of Northern Luzon
•Constantino letter on honoring Professor Otto Scheerer
•Botel Tobago: OJS letter
•On Baguio’s past (photographs of Carino, Campo Sioco, Apdi and Otto Scheerer
•The Nabaloi dialect
•Collected papers related to the tenure of Otto Johns Scheerer as resident of Baguio, 1896-1901 and Provincial Secretary of Benguet, December 1900-July 1901. Presented to the Library of the University of the Philippines Baguio Library by Richard G. Scheerer, M.D., U.P. College of Medicine, Class of 1976.
•Carino Family photo : Hamada ident. Hamada1 001 (letter to Ossie from Frank)
•Carino Family photo : second photo 002 (May 1932)
•Carino Family photo
•Andebok : Andebok spring
•Andebok hill
•Andebok : Andebok in 1900 by Patricia O. Afable
•Andebok : Pacific Union Trade Magazine
•Andebok from UPB Area
•Andebok : Andebuok
•Andebok : Baguio house
•Andebok : Graciana reply to Osmeña letter
•Scheerer appointment as Provincial Secretary of Benguet
•Gave up everything for his Filipino love
•Scheerer, Otto. The problem of a national language for the Philippine Islands in the light of the history of languages
•Scheerer, Otto. Outlines of the history of exploration of the Philippine languages and their relatives in East and West
•Andebok : Worcester party [photo]
•Scheerer, Otto. Talia : a fairy-tale from the Philippine Alps [draft]
•Scheerer, Otto. Talia : a fairy-tale from the Philippine Alps
•A hurried glance at the district of Benguet, its inhabitants, sources of wealth, necessities, etc. by Otto Scheerer, translated by Captain J.T. Dickman.
•Talia : where was Otto Johns Scheerer
•Report of the lieutenant-governor of Batanes (Philippine Commission 1909)
•Scheerer, Otto. Chinese in Borneo and in Sulu
•Scheerer, Otto. Breve resena historica
•Philippine-German relations
•Safford, W. E. The Nabaloi dialect : [review]
•Excerpts from : Baguio & Mountain Province in the making. Lazaro P. Gutierrez, editor
•Otto Johns Scheerer MA diploma & portrait—German instructor
•Scheerer, Otto. Prologo : Diccionario Ibatan
•Jimenez, C. On the influence of English on the Tagalog language
•Viray, F.B. The Sambali dialect of Bolinao by Felizberto B. Viray and Otto Scheerer.
•Viray, F. The sounds and sound symbols of the Pangasinan language
•Scheerer, Otto. Notes on standard language and education in Japan
•H.H.Bartlett Note
•Scheerer, Otto. The Igorrotes of Benguet: a contribution to the knowledge of the inhabitants of North Luzon with regard to their civilization.
•Corrections to “Archive” : supporting documents and corrections to Archive June 1970, v. 1, no. 1 (Constantino biography)
•Report of the Taft Philippine Commission : Sanitarium
•Report of the Taft Philippine Commission : Second Philippine Commission [photo]
•Scheerer, Otto. Report on the linguistic exploration of the Mountain Province
•Scheerer, Otto. The languages of the Philippines
•Botany, vol. XVI. Field Museum of Natural History
•Scheerer letter to Dr. Barrows
•Scheerer, Otto. Sagen der Atayalen auf Formosa
•Scheerer, Otto. Material for the study of Philippine languages
•4 CD-ROMs
For inquiries, visit the Cordillera/Northern Luzon Historical Archives or email archives.upbaguio@up.edu.ph.