Fry’s papers include his dissertation, published works and notes.
Scope and Content Notes
The UP Baguio Cordillera/Northern Luzon Archives received the Howard Fry collection in August 2008. Prior to this date, on June 20, 2008, UP President Emerlinda Roman and UP Baguio Chancellor Priscilla Macansantos accepted the Fry collection in a symbolic turnover at UP Diliman, with the participation of Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Edgardo V. Espiritu and members of the UP Baguio Executive Staff. A formal launch of the collection was held on September 2, 2008 in UP Baguio.
Fry’s papers include his dissertation, published works and notes. The papers are contained in eight (8) boxes.
Biographical Note
Dr. Howard T. Fry was educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, where he won an organ scholarship in 1938. His studies were interrupted by the Second World War, in which he served first in the Army, and then as a pilot in the Royal Air Force. Completing his studies at Cambridge after the war, he spent several years as a school-master, and for a while, returned to the Royal Air Force as a flying instructor.
In 1963, he returned to Cambridge University to study for a Ph.D. Dr. Fry developed interest in the Philippines when he was pursuing research on the English East India Company with Alexander Dalrymple at the helm. This would later become the subject of his dissertation.
In 1968, Dr. Fry joined the History Department of James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia, where his interest in Southeast Asia and the Philippines was further strengthened. At James Cook University he was asked to organize a program of Southeast Asian historical studies. He there upon made the study of Philippine history one of his own fields of specialization, and James Cook University became the only university in Australia to make the study of Philippine history a top priority in its Southeast Asian program.
In the seventies he spent time at the Notre Dame de Jolo. During his visits to the Philippines, he traveled to the Cordillera where he met his wife Georgiana Caoili Alipio. Dr. Fry acknowledges Giana for introducing him “to part of the Cordillera Central.”
Fry, Howard. A History of the Mountain Province. Rev. ed. Quezon City : New Day, c2006.
Florendo, Maria Nela B. “Howard Fry Collection Finds a Home in UP Baguio.” Ti Similla. August 2008. pp. 1-2.
Box Lists
Box 1
•Alexander Dalrymple (Dissertation submitted for the degree of Ph.D. in the University of Cambridge)
•Alexander Dalrymple and Captain Cook : the Creative Interplay of Two Careers, pp. 41-57, 236-240.
•Alexander Dalrymple and New Guinea. The Journal of Pacific History, pp. 83-104
•American Colonial Views on the Philippines’ Place in the World : A Selection of Documents. Kabar Seberang : Sulating Maphilindo. 1978, no.3 (January), pp. 1-9.
•The Bacon Bill of 1926 : New Light on an Exercise in Divide-and Rule. Philippine Studies, vol. 26, 1978, pp. 257-273.
•The Breakdown of the American Democratic Experiment in the Philippines : An Historical Analysis of a Crisis in Modernization. Australian Journal of Politics and History, vol.23, no.3, Dec. 1977, pp. 383-402.
•The Commercial Ambitions Behind Captain Cook’s Last Voyage. The New Zealand Journal of History, vol. 7, no.2, October 1973, pp. 186-191.
•The Eastern Passage and its Impact on Spanish Policy in the Philippines, 1758-1790. Philippine Studies, vol. 33 (1985), pp. 3-21.
•The United States’ Acquisition of its Insular Possessions: an Emerging Colonial Policy as Seen Through the Correspondence of Henry Cabot Lodge (1898-1900): Selection and Introductory Notes. Kabar Seberang, no. 12, 1983, pp. 15-29.
Box 2
•China & Japan
•Commonwealth Gov’t
•Congressional Hearings, 1924, 1928
•Correspondence, 1909-1914
•Correspondence 1912-16
•Correspondence 1925-1928
•David P. Barrows
•Dean C. Worcester
•Defence of P.I.
Box 3
•Economic Readjustments 1935-1937
•Economic Readjustments, 1938-41
•Fairfield Bill, 1923
•Correspondence 1906-1913 Forbes
•Forbes Correspondence 1913-1920
•Forbes Mss. 1921
Box 4
•Forbes Mss. 1922-1927 (Aug.)
•Forbes Mss. 1927 (Sept)-1933 (March)
•Forbes Mss. 1933 (April)-1946
•Forbes Philippine Islands—Value in U.S., Status of, & Indep Mov’t
•Franklin D. Roosevelt
•Harrison Mss. Correspondence 1917-1920
•Harrison Mss. Correspondence 1921-1930
•Hoover 2(Label supplied)
•Hoover Mss. 1 (Label Supplied)
•Hoover Mss. 2 (Label Supplied)
•Japan, USA, and the Philippines
•Jones Bill
•Katherine Mayo (Label Supplied)
•Manila Merchants Assn 1911 Banquet Speeches
Box 5
•Mindanao & Sulu
•Mindanao, the Moros and the N.C.T.s
•Miscellaneous Notes
•Moros and other N.C.T.s
•Philippine Constitution of 1935 and Subsequent Amendments
•Philippine Independence
•Philippine Independence Wood Mss.
Box 6
•Philippine Independence 1930-1933 II
•Philippine Independence-Economic Factors
•Philippine Islands General Conditions, 1928-1932
•Philippine Islands—Status & Independence Campaign
Box 7
1. Quezon
•Quezon General Correspondence March 1912-11 July 1913
•Quezon General Correspondence 21 July 1913-27 June 1914
•Quezon General Correspondence 10 July 1914-21 Dec. 1914
•Quezon General Correspondence 27 Dec. 1914-9 June 1916
•Quezon General Correspondence 12 June 1916-20 (June?) 1918
•Quezon Correspondence, 1921-25
•Quezon Notes
•Rubber Crisis in U.S., 1923-31 Possibilities in Mindanao
Box 8
•Status or Independence of Philippine Islands
•U.S. Economic and Strategic Interests in the P.I., Far East and Pacific
•U.S. High Commissioners 1935
•The Wartime Years, and the Gov’t in Exile: the Return
•Wood-Forbes Mission
•Wood’s Administration 1923-1924
•Wood’s Administration 1925-1927 Wood Mss.
•Woodrow Wilson
For inquiries, visit the Cordillera/Northern Luzon Historical Archives or email archives.upbaguio@up.edu.ph.