SAGE Journals has a portfolio that includes more than 1,000 journals, 950,000+ articles, 850,000+ articles with Deep Backfiles, and 500+ societies.
SAGE is proud to publish the market-leading journal within nine Social Sciences Citation Index categories and two SCI categories, which include: Criminology & Penology; Cultural Studies; Education & Educational Research; Education, Special; Family Studies; History; Materials Science, Characterization & Testing; Orthopedics; Psychology, Applied; Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Psychology, Psychoanalysis; Psychology, Social; Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; Social Work; Women’s Studies.

International in scope | Peer-reviewed | High-quality | Interdisciplinary journal content
- High impact: nearly 56% of SAGE’s journal content is ranked in the 2018 Journal Citation Reports® (Web of Science Group, 2019)*
- Scholarly and professional: research published in partnership with more than 500 key societies
- Interdisciplinary: exceptional discipline coverage spanning the humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine
Consistent journal indexing | High visibility
- Discovery services: journals are indexed in Summon (ProQuest), World Cat Discovery (OCLC), Primo Central (Ex Libris) and EDS (EBSCO)
- E-Resource Management Services (ERM): weekly feeds that comply with KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) to all major ERMs
- Subject databases: many SAGE journals also included in discipline-specific databases and discovery tools, such as PubMed, Scopus, and many more
Multi-device | Cutting edge | Enhanced experience
- Responsive design: allowing a seamless multi-device experience
- Enhanced experience: including clear PDF download options and article metrics powered by
- Usage statistics: COUNTER 5 compliant and available for download
» Access: On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).