Part of UP System’s subscription to ScienceDirect is Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE).
Read more of Mendeley Reference Manager

Reference Manager
1. If you have an existing Elsevier account (ScienceDirect, Scopus, or Mendeley), skip this step. If you don’t, register for one using your UP Mail address (@up.edu.ph). See the instructions for registration at the ScienceDirect page.
2. Once you have your Elsevier account, click the button below to go to the Mendeley website.
3. When prompted, login with your Elsevier account.

4. Verify your access to MIE. Relog into https://www.mendeley.com using your Elsevier account. Click the down arrow on the upper right hand of the webpage > Settings & privacy > Subscription.

After setting up an account in MIE (see previous section), you can connect your Mendeley account to your OpenAthens account. Follow these instructions in the Mendeley support site.
How do I use institutional (Shibboleth) credentials with Mendeley?
The benefits of doing the above are as follows:
1. No need for a separate login to the Mendeley website, you
can log in with the same credentials as OpenAthens
2. Automatically apply the MIE subscription.
3. Allows sign-in to Mendeley desktop software