The Filipiniana collection consists of printed materials and manuscripts about the Philippines or written by Filipinos. It is on open shelves. The rules and procedures on locating, borrowing and returning Filipiniana books are the same as those that apply to Circulation books.
Filipiniana books are to be consulted inside the Filipiniana Section, unless these are borrowed for two weeks or are to be photocopied. If you wish to photocopy a material, write your name on the book card & leave it together with your ID to the staff in charge.
Philippine Institute for Development Studies
The Filipiniana collection incorporates materials published by the Philippines Institute for Development Studies and are interfiled with the general Filipiniana books.
Philippine Statistics Authority Materials
As the established Philippine Statistics Authority Information Center, statistical materials like censuses, surveys, etc. are available for room use only.
Student Theses
Shelved in a room at the Filipiniana section are student theses from the College of Arts and Communication, College of Science and College of Social Sciences. Theses are for room use only. Photocopying portions of theses is allowed. Permission from author is needed, however, for extended photo duplication of major portions or the entire thesis. The Library has started digitizing preliminary pages of theses for more efficient searching and evaluation. Accompanying CDs of thesis are likewise available, you only need to approach a Library staff for assistance.