• The Library’s computers are used to access the online catalog, internet, and electronic resources. The computers for the Online Public Access Catalogs are in designated kiosks to access the bibliographic records of the Library.
• Computers for students’ use in accessing electronic resources and the internet are located at the Learning Commons. Use of computers, networks, and other information technologies is governed by the University’s Guidelines on the Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology.
• Use of computers at the Learning Commons is unlimited as long as no students are queuing up to avail of computers. Otherwise, computer use is limited to only an hour.
• The computers have different operating systems and application software. Should you have a preference for specific OS and software, kindly inform the staff in charge.
• Earphones are also available for use. Ask for these at the staff desk.
• Tablets are likewise available at the Learning Commons. Due to the limited number of these devices, availability is on a first come first served basis.
• Use of tablet is limited to an hour. Extension of use can be availed of as long as there are no pending requests from other users.

• Data saving devices like flash drives are allowed provided these are first submitted for inspection to staff at the Learning Commons to avoid virus threats to Library computers.
• Students who would like to charge their devices should first log-in at the staff desk of the Learning Commons, Cordillera Studies Collection Library, Graduate Resource Center, or Circulation section. The ID card and the pink card are left with the staff in charge and a number is issued to the student.